Friday, August 3, 2018

In protection of full text.

I text a terrible amount, really. I don't like the interface and do nothing to change it: I imagine there is a simple way to do so via a keyboard, which is probably the quickest way to write, although it is still second best in my life, preferring the pace of handwriting and the evolutionary obviousness of its superiority: humans make symbols with their hands. Full stop.
The sms, though, reigns fiercely and there seems no way to abdicate. I don't have the will. That it is short is also a problem, always loving to explain myself at whatever length (often too long, unclear, thwarted). So I generally do, at some cost to my cervical spondylosis, and patience. I have found that while I am starting to slip or give up on misspelling by typo (what is communicated is largely unchanged by this, although a "cultural shift" hovers over it and my recipients, who have, wearily, come to expect a fairly exact communique. There is some arbitrary benefit to attempt concision, sure (twitter may make better wrtiers of us all, or make us non writers), but I like full sentences, and the real benefit is being understood more or less perfectly, so that when (I must find examples to make this less or even more boring) a certain turn of phrase or usage is in it, I am fairly sure someone gets the joke, the tone, the insult. I also swear a lot. More than anyone I know. I swear at my mother frequently throughout a given day. So i am not defending full usage for some dusty, hackneyed, academic reason, but that writing poorly in any medium has a cost. It really does keep my writing okay, and benefits how I think and speak. When I have texted poorly, I really feel it, and recipients lose trust, for good reason. They cannot then trust my delivery, and my delivery also suffers. I text fairly fully for my benefit, chiefly.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Take a look at @andiblonde's Tweet:

Friday, June 9, 2017


Weezer turned out to have a, however ephemeral, Kabbalah phase. Or she was more pro-annorexia than we knew. You judge for yourselves, she certainly judged all of you, and me too.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Latest histrionic absurdity is an invitation to the CHRISTENING of Ian.
In Denmark.
What, no bris party?